Tuesday, 4 May 2010

There is hope for us all.


As you should be aware,the ICC World Twenty20 is taking place in the West Indies.The carribbean is a wonderful place to be holding the event and hopefully it will be good.However,I am writing not about the tournament,but one team that are taking part.Afghanistan.No,that isn't a typo.

It is pleasing to see that one of the countries you wouldn't expect to have a cricket team do so well and be inspirational to use all.Truely it is.And I shall tell you why.

We are at war in Afghanistan.You know this though.Our troops have to face adversity and danger to help bring democarcy to a counrty in desperate need.I commend these troops for that.But,despite all of this,there is a cricket team.The Afghan cricket team are much like the British troops.They have faced hardship,and have come out the other end.

So,this gives a message to us all.

No matter what we do,think or say,if we believe in ourselves then you wil get through life as the better person.One cricket team epitomizes this.

If eleven men can do it,why can't the rest of the world?


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