Tuesday, 2 March 2010

First Blog

So here it is,my fist blog.

Many people that I know have started blogs and I decided it was about time I joined the bandwagon.And to be fair, it looks like good fun.There are plenty of random thoughts floating around in my brain at the best of times,so why not share them?I think that for the majority of the time I make sense but I have my moments.For example,the time I managed to work out that the Pied Piper of Hamlin was a paedophile.

Anyway,enough of that rambling.The point of this blog is going to be about blogs strangely enough.I have read a fair few blogs now.Now, I agree with the principle of airing your thoughts out,but some blogs do have quite a boring side to them.I was reading one in which it whinged on for a page or so with no real point.I would like to think that I am better than that but excuse me if it happens.I'm only human.One thing I have noticed though is the extreme amount of adverts about nowadays.Not just on the internet,although they are a bit weird.No, I mean on things like television and magazines.It is seriously over the top I'm afraid.Some adverts are quite good and enjoyable, likke the compare the meerkat....sorry market adverts.They are pleasant to watch and actually quite amusing.Same with the creme egg adverts.Again,the destructive nature of the eggs is highly amusing to watch.But then with all things,there is a down side.Go compare for example.Who came up with the idea that a fat opera singer with a crinkly moustache was a good idea!Pavarotti would be spinning in his grave.Or least, attempting to but possibly got stuck.Still I digress.The fact that adverts have become an increasingly central part of society is understandable due to consumerism but even so.I mean come on!It's even more annoying that all I have worked out from this is that you should never work in corporate advertising.Never.

Look at me I have done exactly what I was trying to avoid.Typical.

Until next time then.

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