Wednesday, 3 March 2010

More musings


Just the sight of the word just makes you cringe doesn't it?

I suppose it is understandable really,with an overweight,half blind,scottish bloke running England.I think that he has managed to single handedly screw up England so badly it hurts.First as chancellor he sold our gold reserves for rock bottom prices, then as prime minister,has bumbled through 3 years of pointless policies and not really done anything.

Now before you ask,I'm not advocating the Conservative Party.

Whilst I may agree with some of their policies, in this day and age, I find it disheartening that all politicains do is spend expenses,send our boys to certain death and then ignore public opinion to reamin in parliament for as long as possible.Don't they get it?The British public have grown weary of the fat cat politicians and their money grabbing ways.I vote that we should start a revolution and kick these so-called representatives out of Westminster and start afresh.France managed it all those years ago and they can't even fight a war so we must be able to!Still,angry thoughts aside,the real point of this is to show how bad Britain is now,and to try and do something about it.Only the other day,I was talking to someone who found voting pointless as they weren't going to get into power.It is this sort of attitude that allows scots to run Britain,like Gordon Brown.Nothing against Scots by the way.

I think that I can safely say that England is screwed unless we get rid of Brown.FACT to quote Barry Scott,who incidentally is another extremely annoying person.

Til Next Time Then.

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