Tuesday, 16 March 2010

So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

Hi,how are you reader?

I'm sure that you will recognize the title of this blog as part of Douglas Adam's infamous series of books, 'The Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy' Now this was a stunning set of books, which captured readers minds and threw them into a world in which Earth was destroyed and there was a person called Zaphod Beeblebrox.Is it any wonder that the books have lasted so long as they did?Even more recently,well the last twenty years or so,have introduced us to such chatacters as Gollum,Frodo Baggins,Harry Potter and even characters such as a giant green caterpillar or a cat in a hat!Some of the characters have even moved on into the land of films, with Lord of The Rings and The Fantastic Mr. Fox helping to popularize some already brilliant books.

However,some authors don't get that people want good books,not something that is pointless and boring.Now, if you do English Lit, you will know exactly what I am talking about here.Recently,I was introduced to two books: The Great Gatsby and Enduring Love.At first, I will admit I looked forward to reading something new and interesting.How far off the mark I was! These books were never-ending, pointless drivel.I don't particularly want to read about a psychotic,gay stalker or a clapped-out old geriatric pining after their long lost love.Books should be full of mystery or adventure.Take the Eagle series by Simon Scarrow.Here is a true example of what a book should be : Big,descriptive battles, mystery and intruige.Something that draws the reader in. Not enduring love. Dickens would be spinning in his grave.So would another literary great, good ol' Will Shakespeare.

Anyways, I'm off now to read another good book.Until Next Time.

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