Tuesday 4 May 2010

There is hope for us all.


As you should be aware,the ICC World Twenty20 is taking place in the West Indies.The carribbean is a wonderful place to be holding the event and hopefully it will be good.However,I am writing not about the tournament,but one team that are taking part.Afghanistan.No,that isn't a typo.

It is pleasing to see that one of the countries you wouldn't expect to have a cricket team do so well and be inspirational to use all.Truely it is.And I shall tell you why.

We are at war in Afghanistan.You know this though.Our troops have to face adversity and danger to help bring democarcy to a counrty in desperate need.I commend these troops for that.But,despite all of this,there is a cricket team.The Afghan cricket team are much like the British troops.They have faced hardship,and have come out the other end.

So,this gives a message to us all.

No matter what we do,think or say,if we believe in ourselves then you wil get through life as the better person.One cricket team epitomizes this.

If eleven men can do it,why can't the rest of the world?


Tuesday 27 April 2010

Nature Fights Back.

Hello again,long time no see!

Now recently,you will have all heard about the ash coming from the unpronounceable volcano in Iceland.And I would also hazard a guess a couple of you got stuck.

However,I would think that maybe this was coming a long time.Now without wishing to sound like a Jesus-freak(no offence!),I do get the impression that the amount of harm we have done the planet,it seems as if it is coming back to haunt us.Countless flights will have got stuck,and people will have been stuck in less than desireable conditions.Well,most.People in the tropics may not mind so much!

But looking back,as I mentioned,numerous flights got postponed.And I can't help but wonder what we would have done without planes?There wouldn't have been a worldwide panic, I can tell you.Which begs the question,have we become too dependant on technological advances?If you think about it,do you really need all the technology youi have nearby?Even to read this you are using a computer, or mobile.Yes,whilst you may not have been able to read this magnificent blog otherwise,it probably isn't necessary.People long ago,managed to hunt and cook deer using sticks and fire,and yet we need top of the range cookers to cook a vegetable.People used to tell stories via word of mouth,now they are all typed up on the internet.I mean why,we got along fine,why do we need technology,really?

However,despite my ramblings about why we don't need technology,there are the upsides.You can type in anything on the internet,such as goat sex,and the internet would ask what type of goat??Sorry about the weird example,reminds me of a joke I heard.Plus,you can watch vlogs,such as Mr.Wivells,(no plugging here,honest!)and generally find anything.

So,technology.It has its benefits, but you can still get along without it.And thats something everyone should aspire to.


Tuesday 16 March 2010

So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

Hi,how are you reader?

I'm sure that you will recognize the title of this blog as part of Douglas Adam's infamous series of books, 'The Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy' Now this was a stunning set of books, which captured readers minds and threw them into a world in which Earth was destroyed and there was a person called Zaphod Beeblebrox.Is it any wonder that the books have lasted so long as they did?Even more recently,well the last twenty years or so,have introduced us to such chatacters as Gollum,Frodo Baggins,Harry Potter and even characters such as a giant green caterpillar or a cat in a hat!Some of the characters have even moved on into the land of films, with Lord of The Rings and The Fantastic Mr. Fox helping to popularize some already brilliant books.

However,some authors don't get that people want good books,not something that is pointless and boring.Now, if you do English Lit, you will know exactly what I am talking about here.Recently,I was introduced to two books: The Great Gatsby and Enduring Love.At first, I will admit I looked forward to reading something new and interesting.How far off the mark I was! These books were never-ending, pointless drivel.I don't particularly want to read about a psychotic,gay stalker or a clapped-out old geriatric pining after their long lost love.Books should be full of mystery or adventure.Take the Eagle series by Simon Scarrow.Here is a true example of what a book should be : Big,descriptive battles, mystery and intruige.Something that draws the reader in. Not enduring love. Dickens would be spinning in his grave.So would another literary great, good ol' Will Shakespeare.

Anyways, I'm off now to read another good book.Until Next Time.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

More musings


Just the sight of the word just makes you cringe doesn't it?

I suppose it is understandable really,with an overweight,half blind,scottish bloke running England.I think that he has managed to single handedly screw up England so badly it hurts.First as chancellor he sold our gold reserves for rock bottom prices, then as prime minister,has bumbled through 3 years of pointless policies and not really done anything.

Now before you ask,I'm not advocating the Conservative Party.

Whilst I may agree with some of their policies, in this day and age, I find it disheartening that all politicains do is spend expenses,send our boys to certain death and then ignore public opinion to reamin in parliament for as long as possible.Don't they get it?The British public have grown weary of the fat cat politicians and their money grabbing ways.I vote that we should start a revolution and kick these so-called representatives out of Westminster and start afresh.France managed it all those years ago and they can't even fight a war so we must be able to!Still,angry thoughts aside,the real point of this is to show how bad Britain is now,and to try and do something about it.Only the other day,I was talking to someone who found voting pointless as they weren't going to get into power.It is this sort of attitude that allows scots to run Britain,like Gordon Brown.Nothing against Scots by the way.

I think that I can safely say that England is screwed unless we get rid of Brown.FACT to quote Barry Scott,who incidentally is another extremely annoying person.

Til Next Time Then.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

First Blog

So here it is,my fist blog.

Many people that I know have started blogs and I decided it was about time I joined the bandwagon.And to be fair, it looks like good fun.There are plenty of random thoughts floating around in my brain at the best of times,so why not share them?I think that for the majority of the time I make sense but I have my moments.For example,the time I managed to work out that the Pied Piper of Hamlin was a paedophile.

Anyway,enough of that rambling.The point of this blog is going to be about blogs strangely enough.I have read a fair few blogs now.Now, I agree with the principle of airing your thoughts out,but some blogs do have quite a boring side to them.I was reading one in which it whinged on for a page or so with no real point.I would like to think that I am better than that but excuse me if it happens.I'm only human.One thing I have noticed though is the extreme amount of adverts about nowadays.Not just on the internet,although they are a bit weird.No, I mean on things like television and magazines.It is seriously over the top I'm afraid.Some adverts are quite good and enjoyable, likke the compare the meerkat....sorry market adverts.They are pleasant to watch and actually quite amusing.Same with the creme egg adverts.Again,the destructive nature of the eggs is highly amusing to watch.But then with all things,there is a down side.Go compare for example.Who came up with the idea that a fat opera singer with a crinkly moustache was a good idea!Pavarotti would be spinning in his grave.Or least, attempting to but possibly got stuck.Still I digress.The fact that adverts have become an increasingly central part of society is understandable due to consumerism but even so.I mean come on!It's even more annoying that all I have worked out from this is that you should never work in corporate advertising.Never.

Look at me I have done exactly what I was trying to avoid.Typical.

Until next time then.